terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2007


Olha, tô decidido a não perder mais tempo da minha vida com chatices. Ler o que não me interessa, dar importância para o que pensam pessoas que não me são importantes ou acordar cedo.

Daqui em diante leio só coisas legais, por mais que sejam completamente bobas. Pessoas malas, nem olho na cara mais: não tenho tempo nem pra aproveitar a companhia de pessoas interessantes.

Nada mais eu faço por obrigação!

Tá doido

Dizem que é necessária a atualização constante para se conseguir emprego, nos dias de hoje. Como tudo muda muito rápido, é preciso estar sempre ligado. Por isso, nos recomendam a leitura atenta diária de pelo menos um dos jornais de grande circulação. No caso de um paulistano, "O Estado de SP" e a "Folha de SP" são pré-requisito para se abandonar a alienação e entrar para a intelectualidade suprema.
Mas ler os editoriais, os cadernos de economia, notícias internacionais e a ilustrada não é suficiente: os grandes clássicos são essenciais. E tome Eça, Pessoa, Machado, Lima Barreto, José de Alencar, João Cabral e Euclides da Cunha. Só para citar os de língua portuguesa, porque não dá pra se esquecer de Maquiavel, Descartes, Locke, Rousseau e centenas de outros.
O que foi fazer para se divertir? Se foi beber e debater política, tudo bem. Mas o ideal é assistir a um filme-cabeça iraniano legendado em francês, ou ouvir a OSESP.
Acha que acabou? Ligou o rádio em qual sintonia hoje? Não foi uma emissora de notícias?

Envelhecendo na cidade

Ontem, dia 27 de agosto de 2007, completei 27 anos. Foi noite de eclipse lunar. Ganhei parabéns de vários lados, especialmente do pessoal do trabalho. É claro, também da minha família e da minha namorada. No orkut, vários recadinhos também. Foi um dia legal.

Até meu chefe me deu presente! Ele levou nós funcionários para almoçar no Rascal, lá na Alameda Santos. Lá me presenteou com dois livros: A Política, de Aristóteles, e O Príncipe, do Maquiavel.

O pessoal do meu gabinete e do gabinete do Dr. Gilberto também me deram uma blusa. Foi um dia produtivo!

segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2007


I had a strange dream days ago. I was climbing a huge mountain, that was in the middle of the world. But the mountain was placed anywhere. The more I got higher, more the sun rose over my head. Sometimes the climbing got difficult, and I had to cling on some rock, almost falling down.

Somehow I managed to reach the peak. There were words carved out of a rock, in a strange language. Even the letters I couldn't identify. But I knew what was written there. The meaning couldn't be spelled, only felt.

Then I woke up. What does it mean, I don't know. Who cares, don't know either. The only thing I know is that I was only sleeping.


This weekend I didn't study at all. I went to a wedding, shopping, bought some clothes (pants and socks). Also I slept at my girlfriend's apartament. But I hadn't the guts to sit down and read one of the million books I have to know by heart.

However, I bought a very interesting book, that no-one would regret of reading: "The Power of Mith", by Joseph Campbell. It's about the influence of miths and mithology over us, what it means, and where it leads to. That's not about indian masks, but much more. The work deals with the most deep manhood's willings of intense life. Symbols have a main role in our lives, showing the ways to follow and the goals to reach. Without those signs, life experience loses its sense and passion. This is one of the main problems of modern life: the material and scientifical improvement despise our symbolic parts, taking away an important part of ourselves.

quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2007


I'm happy, I got my first comment in this blog!

Maybe I'll write in portuguese also, in another blog. Sometimes people want to discuss about some complex things. This discussion only can be made by writing, for nobody is available to talk about certain points during the week - it demand hours! And the bar talks lead nowhere, usually. Drunk friends are useful only to laugh at them...

I am so sleepy... almost sleeping with my eyes open. But I've got to keep my head up, can't disappoint my boss...

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2007

What a picture! If I had to be another animal, I wish I was a wolf.


I changed today the color on my blog. I put dark colors now, wich describes better the moment. Not a gloomy time, but introspective. No matter how I try to avoid thinking about, future takes over my mind. I'm enjoying the road, but all I really want is to reach the end.

Maybe, when I find my goal, I change again the colors. I could put white, blue and yellow. But this time dark and red are more adequate.

The picture is my portrait. Ok, I took it from Rocky Balboa soundtrack, "burning heart", by Survivor. Funky, but I don't care.

Some upheavals have provoked a shift in my life - my parent's income tumbled, what has many consequences. In the other hand, arguments soared. Interests to pay, for those who doesn't need that.

But it's okay, sometimes we need an earthshake to come over numbness. One brother is chasing a job. The other is going to get married. Father cutting expenses. Something says me that I'll miss so much these years...

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007


Skies blue with no clouds over São Paulo. Looking at the city from the 19th floor makes it seem so calm, almost desert. Sun going down, turning horizon in purple. Down there, ants-like people drag bags.

A bird of prey perchs on a nearby building. The State of São Paulo's flag on the top of Banespa seems to be huge. Serra of Cantareira rises on landscape background. And a gray fog hovers all over the gray city. Sé's vault is very near, I can distinguish the bricks.

That wonderful view is what I have beside my desk on work. I like to look at it everyday, but I'll change it for Brasília, next year. Dry, far and hot, but that's where my goal remains.

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2007

Walking Wonder

I start tomorrow in "Curso Rio Branco", regarding prepare myself to Itamaraty test. I'll pay about six hundred reais per month, wich is very expensive. I'm going to study the following topics: Law, Economics, Grammar and History, among others. But the most important is learning to have discipline.

I'm to lazy to study, maybe excessively self-confident. Need to get into a routine, otherwise I won't be able to read all I have to: dozens of sociology and history books, mostly. I'll have to study more english and spanish or french, as well. I might cost me precious points on test.

But, just as Dee Snider would say, "you're an walking wonder, you're a metal machine!". Not comparing, in the Psalms, the Sacred Bible also says that we are gods; we are all sons of the allmighty.

Endless coughing! Throat hurting! Can't stand this! I had pills, but it didn't work, until now. Maybe I need vitamins. But in Brasília, I won't need medicine anymore, the city melts with the unmerciful sun!